This is a Valentine's Day Special Article.
I am sick of Dota vs Girlfriend issue. Why don't people realize that being a good dota player corresponds to being a good partner? Dota is a training in having a good decision making and this can be applied in any aspect of life. I'll prove that in this article.
Playing Dota and Dating Traits You Should have:
To make your girl have her days with you become the best days of her life, you should have this trait, spontaneity. You should know how to listen carefully whatever your girl is saying and you should know the wittiest replies on what they are saying. She would appreciate your being a perfect listener and you would be able to leave her a good impression of your wit. You'll surely make her wanting for more as soon as you drive her back to her home.
Like in Dating, Dota requires spontaneity. You should be able to read your opponents and you should know the wittiest thing to do based on their moves. Time is too precious in Dota to alot more time thinking what you should do next. You need to play spontaneously and have the quickest but the best response on every situation.
Girls find confidence the sexiest trait in a man. They want a boyfriend that they could look up to. If you, yourself don't believe in yourself, how could your girl entrust herself to you? Be confident and calm. Girls are equipped with the most advanced technology in detecting nervous guys.
Playing Dota, certainly, needs confidence. The moment you think that the opponent will beat you is the exact moment you lose. Without confidence, you'd be a chicken being hunted by the opponents. Calmness comes with confidence. It is even included in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Dota Players.
Source of Fun
100% of the girls want fun. Remember, you are not her father to preach her while dating. You're not her brother to just play your PSP while with her. And you're not her sister to fight with her. While dating, you should want to have fun. Don't be the best pessimist on stuffs, specially the one she loves. Try many things. Girls want a bad boy not a nice guy, know why? It's because bad boys usually give more fun than nice guys. Bad boys are the guys that will take them to go for mountain climbing, scuba diving, skydiving and other breath taking stuffs. And they are fun! Nice guys are the one who would simply spin with girls while saying "We'll get through this baby." No matter how many girls say, "I want a nice guy." No, they dont!
In playing Dota, never forget to have fun. If you are too serious, you'll end up losing all your team mates because you are one perfectionist wh0re. Have fun and you'll have better games, I assure you. I saw some players slamming the keyboard everytime they die or lose. I'm like, "What? Are the demons nearby going to take your soul after that death?" Have fun. It's the best advice I can give to you to become a better gamer.
Be Full of Surprises
Girls definitely love surprises. They don't want predictable guys. They have several assumptions before your date. They may expect you to be wearing a simple shirt, shorts and cap like what you always wear on your dates. Now, the moment she sees you and you're in your polo shirt, slacks and new hair style, she'll totally be amazed.
In Dota, you definitely need this. You should be unpredictable because once the enemy knew what you're going to do, they would surely beat you because you gave them the gift of preparation.
Not too Emotional
You shouldn't take yourself seriously if you want to win with girls. What I mean is don't be too sensitive on things. Don't lose your mood when your girl acknowledge the presence of your small pimple. Take this opportunity to even have more fun. Use it to tell a joke or story that will surely make her smile. This will make her admire you for being confident and mature. Emotional guys are one of the type of guys women avoid. They offer more drama than fun in dates.
Being emotionally stressed will surely make you fail at your dota game. Anger or frustrations will surely affect your game a lot. Your brain won't function the way it should be and you'll be playing without actually thinking.
Enjoy your Valentine's Day! Show your girlfriends that you are more than a good dota player. Show them how good you are at decision making may it be in Dota or real life.
waaa!! damn! so exactly true! dami ko fav lines! imba men! love it sooo much!!!! :D:D:D
haha idol jack
BOW! ^:)^
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